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Engaging Ideas for Parents: Limit Children's Screen Time With These Activities

Sep 15, 2021
The first thing you need to know is the importance of limiting screen time for your child. Screen time includes not just TV and computer, but also their smartphone or tablet as well. The more they use these devices, the less likely they are to engage in physical activity, artistic expression, community engagement, or a simple pickup game with the neighborhood kids.

A recent study on the effects of screen time and physical activity among children found that kids who spent more than two hours a day watching TV or playing video games were twice as likely to be overweight. Even adults can feel the effects of too much screen time, which has been linked to health problems such as obesity, depression, and anxiety. If you're looking for ideas to limit your child's screen time and encourage other activities, below are a few suggestions that will help get you started:
  • Set a good example! If you're constantly on your phone when you should be spending time with your child then they will pick up on that habit and it can lead to future struggles with the same problems. Instead, try being present when you're spending time together so they know how important they are!
  • Encourage your kids to get involved in after-school activities such as music lessons, dance classes, sports teams, etc., that give them a break from screen time while also helping them learn valuable skills.
  • If your child is interested in learning how to play an instrument, you can purchase one for them and sign them up for lessons with a friend or family member that plays well. They will be highly motivated if they're practicing under the guidance of someone who knows how to teach music effectively!
  • Encourage older children to volunteer in their community to help teach them about giving back.
  • Let your child explore their creative side with arts and crafts, which is an easy way for them to tap into that artistic mindset while also engaging in physical activity. You can set up weekly craft sessions where they get materials from you or let them pick out everything on their own.
  • Play games with your kids! Board games, card games, outdoor activities, etc., are all great ways to spend time together and have fun in a way that's different from screen time. You can also challenge each other by seeing who wins the most rounds or gets the furthest in one game (i.e.: Monopoly).
  • If your child is a budding photographer or filmmaker, let them take the reigns and create their own short film. They will be highly motivated to share it with their friends and family because they're in control of what happens!
  • Plan a day trip with your child. This could be anything from visiting the zoo or park together to going on a hike through nature where they will have time to explore and learn about their surroundings.
  • Set up screen-free days every week where everyone in the family gets involved in an activity together (i.e.: bowling, ice skating, cooking dinner).
  • Let your kids put on their own mini fashion shows where they get to pick out the clothes and decide which ones are winners! This will keep them engaged while also encouraging creativity and self-expression.
  • Make Friday night pizza nights where the whole family gets involved in making their own pizzas! This is a fun activity that allows kids to get creative and learn about different types of food while also spending time together as a family.
  • If your child is struggling with anxiety, depression, ADHD, or other mental health problems, try setting up screen-free days where they have more opportunities for physical activity and creative expression that can help reduce stress levels. You don't have to eliminate screens completely, but taking a break from them can definitely give kids some much-needed mental clarity.
Make sure your child knows about the dangers of online predators, cyber bullying, sexting, etc., but don't be overly strict either! If you're too restrictive on screen time then kids will start feeling more rebellious and want to use screens even more. Instead, establish a healthy balance where they have time for online exploration but also know that it's not an appropriate place to meet up with strangers or post inappropriate material.

If your child is struggling to keep up with the physical development of other kids, try swapping out screen time for something active like a sport or dance class that will help them stay fit! This practice has been shown to improve blood flow which could be beneficial for both mood and cognitive function.

If your child is struggling with learning disabilities or other developmental problems, try swapping out screen time for educational games that are meant to help them learn new concepts at their own pace. This way they're still spending some time on screens but also getting the brain stimulation needed to develop important skills!

Needless to say, not all screen-time is created equally. If your child shows interest in coding or web design, make sure you help them find the right online training and tools that will keep them interested and learning their craft. If they are showing signs of a young artist, make sure they get familiar with expressing themselves using both traditional and digital media.
Most importantly, have fun and they will follow!

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